Window 10’s biggest flaws addressed

In the past year, Microsoft was heavily criticized for forcing the Windows 10 OS update on PC users. After thousands of customer complaints, the tech giant vowed to make changes and appease disgruntled end users. With the new year are signs that the firm is finally tending to these problems. Here are some of them: […]

Android Nougat’s top 9 updates

The reason why we gravitate toward the latest smartphone or the newest clothes can be attributed to our insatiable appetite for novelty — in layman’s terms, we really like new stuff. That’s why many go bonkers over the latest operating system update, Android Nougat. Aside from its connotations to a confectionary treat, the latest Android […]

Linux bug infecting Android users

Bugs have come a long way, and they’re not just creepy-crawlies anymore. So we have to worry not only about the bugs that we contract and make us physically ill, but also the bugs that threaten the security of our beloved smartphones. Most people overlook bugs since they’re so tiny, but what they lack in […]

Microsoft Office 365 ravaged by ransomware

The Internet is a powerful platform that brings people together on a global level while giving them access to a wealth of information anytime they please. With the good, comes the bad – some utilize their skills in committing cyber crimes from the comfort of their own homes. Case in point, the recent Cerber ransomware […]

Lower your costs with virtualization

For the past year Strem Chemicals, a Massachusetts-based company which manufactures and markets specialty chemicals, has utilized virtualization. This process has seen them improve in several areas such as cost reduction and even disaster recovery. This is one of thousands of companies that has saved a substantial amount of money since incorporating virtualization into their […]

Tips on Windows 10 privacy protection

Long gone are the days where private information (like vault combinations and the name of your high school crush) are kept confined within a padlocked journal. Speculation has been circulating that Windows 10 gathers more info than it should. Whether or not you think privacy lines have been breached, here are some tips to protect […]