
The benefits of syncing your Android devices on Google Chrome

Google Chrome’s comprehensive suite of features has solidified its position as a leading web browser. Notably, seamless data synchronization between Chrome and Android devices empowers users with exceptional cross-device continuity. This facilitates a smooth workflow, allowing users to effortlessly transition between devices and manage both professional and personal tasks with optimal efficiency. View recently opened […]

Embrace softphones to unlock workplace efficiency

Efficiency is critical when it comes to remaining competitive in today’s fast-paced business landscape. However, many businesses often overlook a tool that can significantly enhance operational efficiency: the softphone. Softphones revolutionize business communication by seamlessly integrating with existing communication systems and offering a wide array of features. In this article, we’ll explore how embracing softphones […]

7 Windows features that drive you nuts (and how to fix them)

If you’re one of the millions navigating the digital world through a Windows device, you’ve probably stumbled over some hidden tripwires that can trigger various eye-rolls and groans. Today, we’ll peel back the veneer and address the more exasperating Windows features head-on. Whether you’re feeling pestered by pesky notifications or annoyed that your taskbar is […]

Blockchain and healthcare: What you need to know

Innovations in technology can have surprising significance outside the purpose it was originally designed to fulfill. Such is the case with blockchain, a technology that was initially developed to secure cryptocurrency transactions. Now, blockchain is being applied across numerous sectors, including healthcare. Read this article to learn more about blockchain, how it works, and its […]

Simple steps to protect your online presence

With cyberthreats on the rise, businesses must prioritize online security to safeguard sensitive information and maintain customer trust. The good news is that understanding the basics of online security can go a long way in keeping your data safe from prying eyes. Here are some essential tips to help your business navigate the online world […]

5 Security measures you need for VoIP

Businesses are increasingly relying on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems due to their cost-effectiveness and enhanced features. However, VoIP systems are not without security risk — these systems are also a potential entry point for cyberattacks. VoIP’s vulnerability to cyberattacks therefore requires stringent security measures. To safeguard your VoIP phones, we recommend implementing the […]

Viva Insights: Empowering teams to boost productivity

No matter your industry, fostering a collaborative and productive team is a pillar of success. Fortunately, by harnessing the capabilities of Viva Insights, your team can gain actionable insights that drive efficiency and effectiveness across all aspects of your workflows. From identifying collaboration bottlenecks to understanding individual work patterns, Viva Insights equips your team with […]

6 Common disaster recovery myths every business should know

Cyberattacks, system failures, and natural disasters have become a common occurrence, and they’re becoming increasingly more disruptive as businesses continue to digitize their operations. Having a disaster recovery plan is the best defense against these risks, but a shocking number of businesses are misinformed about what it takes to effectively recover from a disaster. Here […]

How cyber insurance protects your business

The heightened prevalence of cyberattacks has significantly amplified the vulnerability of small businesses. This increased risk is attributed to the sensitive data they store, such as customer information and intellectual property, paired with potentially less robust security systems compared to those of larger enterprises. While traditional measures such as firewalls, data backups, and regular cybersecurity […]