Business intelligence (BI) refers to the process of gathering data and turning it into useful insights. This data can be used to make better decisions about all aspects of a business, including operations, marketing, and sales. And in today’s world, big data is crucial in enhancing processes in major industries like healthcare. BI software, which […]
Can big data lower hospital readmission rates?
Big data’s positive effects on healthcare readmission
Business intelligence (BI) has fueled the growth of many businesses through the years, especially in the finance and manufacturing industries. Today, BI and big data also benefit healthcare businesses that are aiming to improve their processes and lower their readmission rates. At its core, BI software is all about data analytics. BI software is capable […]
Improving healthcare systems with big data
The positive effects of business intelligence (BI) and big data analytics on healthcare management are becoming increasingly apparent. Take a look at why many hospitals and clinics are beginning to embrace the potentials of data-driven business. At its core, BI software is all about data analytics. BI software is capable of accepting overwhelming amounts of […]
Big data helps hospitals in a big way
The healthcare industry struggles when it comes to trying to keep up with the latest technology on the market. Thankfully, the rise of more affordable cloud solutions and increased storage availability mean hospitals and clinics can finally catch up and implement direct improvements to hospital performance, such as lowering hospital readmission rates. Read on to […]
Amazon releases high-end virtual desktops
It’s nearly impossible to discuss virtualization without bringing up Amazon Web Services (AWS). It was one of the first big names in user-friendly virtualization services and it’s only gotten better over the years. With its latest release, AWS is providing customers with some serious computing power. What are AWS virtual desktops? If you have employees […]
AWS to launch “Glue” service
Many businesses and enterprises have long struggled with the drudgery and difficulty that is data analysis — especially data analysis in a cloud-based system. AWS (Amazon Web Services) may have just the solution to that problem. A new app, known as “Glue,” offers the opportunity for businesses to clean up data to help analytics run […]
Big data helps hospitals lower readmissions
For hospitals, readmission rates are a key performance indicator (KPI). They indicate the quality of care your practice provides and what sort of resources you need in reserve to avoid overcrowding. Some legislation even reduces government payouts to hospitals with high readmission rates. Regardless of whether you want to avoid a stiff penalty or just […]
How data adds value to your business
We all know that data is valuable. After all, the more we know about the inner workings of our business and how our customers behave, the better. But knowing that data is crucial in helping to move your organization forward, and knowing exactly how to use that information to do so are two very different […]