Predictability coming to Windows 10 updates

Updates to the Windows operating system have a controversial reputation. On the one hand, Microsoft issues them frequently to combat cybersecurity risks and introduce new features. On the other hand, the update frequency and requirements leave some users feeling like it’s impossible to keep up. The most recent announcement from Microsoft is working to address […]

The most advanced Gmail phishing scam yet

As the technology that recognizes and thwarts malware becomes more advanced, hackers are finding it much easier to trick overly trusting humans to do their dirty work for them. Known as social engineering, it’s a dangerous trend that is becoming increasingly prevalent. Read on to educate yourself on how to avoid the most recent scam […]

Ugly websites cost your business big time

Good things come to those who wait, and this is especially true for small- and medium-sized businesses that plan on creating an eCommerce website. According to Vistaprint’s study on 1,800 consumers, 42 percent of respondents are “very unlikely” to buy from unprofessional or ugly websites. Go through your site and ensure everything is in order. […]

What celebrities can teach us about HIPAA

Two trends have been rising in popularity in tandem: HIPAA compliance audits and social media. Obviously both of these are far too important to be correlated directly, but they do intersect with each other. Social media tends to push people toward oversharing, and that’s definitely something you don’t want when hosting regulated patient data. Celebrity […]

What is virtual “sandboxing”?

Virtualization comes with several benefits for small- and medium-sized businesses. One of the most important is cybersecurity, but even within that subset are several strategies for protecting your organization. One of such strategy is referred to as sandboxing, and it’s worth learning about. What is sandboxing? Sandboxing is one of the rare concepts in virtualization […]

Five tips to prevent VoIP eavesdropping

Eavesdropping is the intentional act of secretly listening in on a conversation, usually not for the best of intentions. Although today the act also includes VoIP telephone systems, it’s not a recent trend. As exemplified by the SIPtap attacks of 2007 and the Peskyspy trojans of 2009, cybercriminals have had their eye on VoIP ever […]

Microsoft Word bug: What you need to know

Software developers and hackers are in a constant game of cat and mouse. When cybercriminals find new security bugs to exploit, tech companies have to quickly release a solution that secures those vulnerabilities. Just this month, Microsoft released a patch to eliminate a Word exploit designed to steal user information. If you’re an avid Microsoft […]

Best new features in Windows 10

Creators Update contains the most significant upgrades to Microsoft’s Windows 10. Some of the stand-out features include application enhancements, improved user experience, and a few productivity features that may seem too small to be noticed. These upgrades were recently rolled out, giving reason to personal and business users alike to get excited. Controlled updates If […]